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What is a voice e-Signature and how can it be used?

Digital channels have become a ubiquitous form of communication. Given their 24/7 availability and auditability, it’s easy to see why digital channels have become consumers’ preferred means of transacting business. A problem arises, however, when digital transactions require a legally binding signature to complete the deal, sale, contract, purchase, trade, etc. Legally binding signatures must meet three qualifications: authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation.

e-Signature capabilities leverage voice biometrics technology to capture a legally binding digital signature by means of a “voice signature.” The same technology used to authenticate speakers in a contact center is now being used to verify that the person providing an electronic signature is in fact who they say they are (authenticity) and willingly cooperating in the transaction. The electronic documents are watermarked, date and time stamped, and digitally certified as tamper-proof (integrity). The electronic “binder” with the documents and authenticated voice signatures is assigned a unique identifier and/or barcode, encrypted and stored. The electronic document can be retrieved as proof in cases of dispute or denial (non-repudiation).

Legislation in the US, UK and elsewhere around the world governs the requirements, use and legality of e-Signatures. Organizations that plan to implement voice e-Signature programs need to understand the legislation and the features provided in their voice biometrics solution to ensure they are complying with regulatory requirements for their specific region and industry.